Terms and Conditions


The company: TEXTVOICE LTD 516986403

The customer: Any end customer who purchased or received a subscription and who makes or can make use of the service.

The service: Converting text messages to voice messages, converting voice messages to text messages, displaying a caller's number when the source of the call is set as blocked and all subject to the provisions of any law as well as in accordance with the technical limitations of the service and as they may be from time to time.

The card: A recharge card with a unique code through which you can purchase a subscription to the service offline.

Online subscription: A subscription purchased online through an authorized distributor on behalf of the company. 


Terms of The use And purpose The use

By approving the terms and conditions of use of the service, the customer confirms that the content of the terms and conditions summarizes the legal and contractual relations between him and the company and that the company has no responsibility for the service, except as it expressly undertakes according to these terms and conditions.

By approving these regulations, the customer accepts all of the company's conditions for using the service, whether purchased through a card or purchased as an online subscription, and in the event that he requests not to accept and confirm them, he is prevented from making any use of the service and/or part of it, and the company shall have no liability towards him and without Right of return.


Purpose The service

The customer confirms that he knows that the purpose of the service and every part of it is convenience, making the use of text accessible to certain audiences and enjoyment. The customer confirms that he knows that the use of the service and/or its part while driving a motor vehicle is strictly prohibited and the customer declares and undertakes that he will act in accordance with the provisions of any law when using the service.

The customer confirms that he is aware that the service, like any other service, may be exposed to various failures, including those initiated by third parties and between technical failures, and in the event of such and/or other failures, the company will act, to the best of its ability, to restore the supply of the service and/or for its continuity and everything is subject to limitations.


Buyer Spiritual

The customer confirms that he is aware of the full intellectual property rights in the service, including the basis of them and the manner in which the service is provided, design, content, identification, method of use, interface, computer code, files, text and images, as well as any other thing or detail arising from and/or related to and/or implied The service is the intellectual property of the company and the customer has no right and/or permission to make any use of it, except for use that is required and arises from acceptable and reasonable use of the service and that directly results from it.

The customer undertakes that he will not distribute, reproduce, copy in any form, either by himself or through someone on his behalf, the service and/or any part of it or its components, as specified above.


Privacy User And confidentiality   

The company will not use the customer's personal information and/or data, except for those necessary for the ongoing operation of the service provided in all its parts. By approving these regulations, the customer gives explicit permission to use the aforementioned data, and in the event that the customer requests not to allow the use of this data by the company, then he must not approve these regulations, not complete the registration procedure for the service, and not accept it. The above does not derogate from the company's cancellation policy which is an integral part of these regulations and everything is as detailed below.

The customer confirms that he knows that the service cannot be provided to him without the company making use of his information and/or personal data, including a list of contacts as well as other information that belongs to him, and that his consent to the use of all of these is a fundamental condition for his contracting with the company and being a customer of the company and receiving the entire service or part of it. The customer confirms that he is aware that any information and/or data found on the electronic device through which he uses the service (either an electronic device belonging to him or belonging to any other third party) may be exposed to users and/or subscribers and/or other customers of the service and the company and that therefore he undertakes by approving these regulations not to possess information and/or data that may be offensive to a third party and the responsibility for any such information shall apply to the customer only.


Responsibility Use Service

As mentioned above, the purpose of the service is convenience, making text service accessible to certain audiences and enjoyment.

The use of the service while driving a motor vehicle and/or other and/or performing any action during which it is forbidden to use a mobile device is strictly prohibited and the use of the service will be carried out subject to the provisions of any law. The provision of the service and/or making it available to the customer does not constitute an offer to use and/or a representation, including a false representation that the use of the service can and will be done while driving and such other activities.

The use of the service is the sole responsibility of the customer, and the company is not responsible for any result and/or consequence of its use. The company will not be responsible for the discovery or disclosure of information/data and/or the receipt of any information that will result from the use of the service either directly or indirectly, either by the customer or by any other third party.

The customer confirms that he is aware that reception conditions in the mobile device, malfunctions in the mobile device, background noise, transmission malfunctions, reception malfunctions, as well as any other malfunction may affect the way the service operates and each and every one of them may disrupt and/or distort and/or change the content of the message which will be accepted by the other party and the company will not have any responsibility in connection with this.

  The customer confirms that he is aware that words with bilingual meaning and/or foreign and/or other words may not pass the conversion procedure accurately and the customer will not have any claim and/or claim and/or demand from the company as a result of these changes or distortions. In order to receive the exact content of the message, it is recommended to enter the link that is received.

The customer confirms that he knows that he should not rely on and make decisions based on messages and/or voice or written messages and that the content of these may, as stated above, change and that the destination may not arrive exactly as requested or planned.

The customer confirms that he is aware that the service or any part of it may sometimes not function properly and he will not have any claim and/or demand in connection with this and/or in connection with the reliability and/or reliability of the service.

The customer confirms that when using the service he will act in accordance with and subject to the provisions of any law and that he knows that the use of the service in violation of the provisions of the law will impose on him both the civil responsibility for all aspects of it for his actions and/or omissions and the criminal responsibility for his actions and/or omissions and the same is true with respect to all Damage or other loss that will be caused by the use of the service.

The customer confirms that he knows that the service of displaying the number when the source of the call is defined as blocked is subject to the limitations and instructions of any law and is also subject to technical limitations of the service as they will be from time to time andYes because the number will be displayed for a maximum of two minutes.


Payment For The service And costs More

The customer confirms that the payment he paid for the service took into account all the limitations and reservations in these regulations above and below. The customer also confirms that he knows that the use of the service requires a connection to a cellular line as well as a connection to an Internet network and that all the charges involved in using the service will apply only to him and this in addition to the payment he paid for the subscription to the service. In the absence of an active cell phone line as well as an active Internet service, the service cannot be used and it is the customer's responsibility to verify that he has such a line before purchasing the subscription..


The authority To use בשרות


By purchasing the subscription, the customer receives the permission to use the service for the period of the subscription and as purchased by him. As long as this is not prohibited, the customer may continue to purchase additional subscriptions, from time to time, according to his needs. The company reserves the right to terminate the contract with the customer even if the customer purchased a subscription and the period has not yet come to an end, in which case the customer will be entitled to a refund for the period for which the service has not yet been consumed and on a pro rata basis.


Permission is hereby given to the customer for private use only and it is prohibited to transfer this service to any third party other than the customer himself Changes Service    

And in the software.


The company reserves the right to make, from time to time, changes to the service or part of it, its scope, nature and nature as well as the software and its interfaces. The purchase of a subscription by the customer does not obligate the company to operate the service in the format as it was at the time of the purchase of the subscription and the company has the exclusive and unlimited authority to make changes both subject to the needs of the company, its technological developments and capabilities and subject to the provisions of any law. As long as any limitations are created and/or become clear, including legal or legality for the provision and provision of the service and/or its part in one way or another, even in such a case the company has the exclusive authority to change and act in any way in order to adapt the service and the software to the requirements of the law and even to subtract additional features and certain uses that exist or will exist in the service. The customer confirms that he is aware of that there may be changes due to regulation and he accepts and confirms by approving these regulations that he will not make a claim and/or demand and/or claim in connection with a wave of change that originates from changes resulting from regulation and/or from any of the reasons listed above Lack



The customer will not have any claim and/or complaint regarding the ability to activate and/or consume the service from the mobile device in his possession. In this regard, it will be clarified that 2nd generation devices and above are the only ones capable of enabling the use of the service, however the company does not have any commitment that all the devices on the market are capable of enabling the use of the service or part of it. The customer confirms that he will not have any claim against the company in connection with the possibilities of using the service from the mobile device in his possession, whatever it may be, and that he will not have any claim and/or complaint against the manufacturer of the mobile device and that it is his responsibility to find out, before purchasing the subscription, whether the device in his possession supports the service. The customer confirms that he knows that the use of the service is subject, among other things, to the various limitations that will be in the various mobile devices and as they will be implemented by the various manufacturers and the company will not bear any responsibility in connection with this

Receiving the product:

  • The product can be used in the following ways SMS
  • Without an application for a phone device, the service will start operating after purchase and receiving SMS with operating instructions that include forwarding rejected calls to the service providers, all messages will reach the customer in messages.


With a dedicated application, when installing the application, instructions will be given to activate the service, with the purchase of a package, the validity of the subscription will be extended Policy


Since this is a subscription purchased for a fixed period each time, it is not possible to cancel the service and in case of cancellation the customer will not be entitled to any refund. In the event of a contradiction between the above and the provisions of any cogent law, the provisions of cogent law shall prevail and in any other case, the customer's approval of these regulations shall be considered as having given his consent that in the event of cancellation he shall not be entitled to a full or partial refund.


In the case of a purchase, and the customer was unable to receive the product, regardless of which way, he will be entitled to a refund Agreement For receiving Advertisements

And messagesThe approval of these regulations constitutes consent on behalf of the customer to receive advertising material as required according to the provisions of section 30 a (c) to (The Telecommunications Law (Bezek and Broadcasting), 5742 1982: "Below").


Communications Law Authority

Privacy restriction.


We maintain the client's confidentiality, the credit information is not saved in the system, we undertake not to transfer the credit information to a third party except with a court order



The laws of the State of Israel shall apply to the provisions of these regulations only Authority

